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Why Ottawa?

Ottawa is Canada’s capital city. Every decision made in Ottawa, affects every region of the country. Ottawa is the spiritual gateway to the rest of the nation. What comes through a gate has influence over what the gate was designed to guard.


In biblical times the gateway was the place the city’s elders met to make decisions and to settle disputes. Decisions made had an effect upon the life and destiny of those under the authority of the elders. Many of us tend to think of our government only in critical ways. We need to repent of these attitudes and start holding up those in leadership through our prayers. By establishing the National House of Prayer in Ottawa, we will be able to pray, as Graham Kendrick says, “Onsite with insight.” (see Isaiah 63: 6, 7; 60:11)


Ottawa is Canada’s capital city. Every decision made in Ottawa affects every region of the country. Ottawa is the spiritual gateway to the rest of the nation. What comes through a gate has influence over what the gate was designed to guard. 


The National House of Prayer we desire to help mobilize informed and sustained prayer for all government leaders and the decisions they make. We seek to help build a bridge between our government leaders and caring Christians from across Canada. Our hope is that through these meaningful relationships, God would influence these leaders with a perspective of righteousness that would bless them as they serve our nation.

Knowing what the Word says about God's Will for us individually and corporately is an important tool that Holy Spirit can use to bring us to an understanding of how we can apply this tool to our lives. It gives us vision and order. Our priorities become His priorities and we are then able to sustain a life of prayer for our communities as He gives us endurance and patience with joy.




P.O. Box 34012, Strandherd Road
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K2J 4B0




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