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Prayer Targets for August 2018

"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

- John 4:35


from the

National House of Prayer

Fran and I are beginning five days at the Rock Lake Ministries, here in Southern Manitoba and on a walk this morning I took this picture of Fran in a ripe wheat field.

The 'swathers' are machines which are now in the fields to cut down the wheat stalks for the grain to lay on the ground to dry for a few days. Afterwards, the combines come to harvest the grain.

Today, August 1, 2018, is forty days before Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year, and many people, (globally), are sensing a renewed commitment to pray and fast so that God would 'open a door' for a great harvest in our respective nations.

Many Canadian believers sense that we are on the edge of a significant move of God's Spirit to both awaken the church of Canada and renew a desire for prayer and see the lost coming to salvation.

Here's a few examples:

  1. The Year of the Rumble, Praying for the Harvest, Winkler, Manitoba(August 4th): Hundreds of combines will move together for the harvest at the same time as many are gathering to pray for the harvest of souls under the leadership of Shirley Hildebrand.See:

  1. Battle for Canada: North Battleford, Saskatchewan (November 1-10): 10 days of praying for Canada, preceded by a 30-day call to fast for all of October.See:

  1. The United Prayer Rising Canada, Toronto, Ontario (August 8-10): The United Prayer Uprising is a global gathering of those who dare to believe that prayers are heard, of those who believe that their voices matter, and that with one voice the course of history can change.See:

  1. The Canada Summit for National Progress, Grimsby, Ontario (August 17- 8): The Canada Summit for National Progress is a groundbreaking gathering of established leaders, emerging leaders, dreamers and do-ers who are committed to building a strong Canada for future generations.See:

A key passage for us at the National House of Prayer is 1 Timothy 2:1-4:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Paul exhorts focused prayer for government leaders and one of his main reason is for all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. We can't lose this perspective, whether we are praying for government leaders and their policies; or praying for life of the unborn or the elderly; or our economy; as important as these are, we are never to lose the eternal perspective of heaven and hell.


Candidates Seeking Nomination

  1. PRAY for prospective candidates for the Alberta spring provincial election and for those who are seeking election in the next federal election. A number of serving members of parliament have announced that they won't be running in the next election.

  2. PRAY that God will call righteous candidates to take their place in our federal government.

Elections are a great opportunity to be part of the political process at the ground level by:

  1. Showing support for potential candidates;

  2. Volunteering to help these candidates attain the requirements set out by elections Canada;

  3. Helping with door to door activities as they introduce themselves to the constituents.

There are still MP BBQ events in your area that are opportunities for them to hear from you. Federal decisions reach your community.

As we pray, God will reveal how the Church in your area can be a positive and caring partner to cooperate with community associations and government to address challenges and circumstances that are affecting your city.

"There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country 

or locality that did not begin in united prayer." 

- Dr. A.T. Pierson


Change Your Life, Shift the Nation!

Parliament's Centre Block is set to close for renovations for 10 years. This fall will be your opportunity to visit. Book a team week up to mid December.The National House of Prayer hosts prayer teams of all ages and denominations and from every region of Canada. Prayer teams come to Ottawa for a week at a time to specifically pray for our Government and our leaders.

Contact us at or 613-789-4907 for more information.

National House of Prayer

17 Myrand Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5N7

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