Plans go wrong for lack of advise; many advisers bring success - Proverbs 15:22Pray that these meetings will truly be about hearing from Canadian citizens and not merely a photo-op or about promoting specific liberal policies.
Pray that the term 'church basement meetings' will provoke Christians to attend these meetings voicing their care and concern for our nation.
Pray that God would give opportunities for Christians to voice intelligent questions and express concerns in regards to Christian values and freedom of religion in our changing culture.
Pray that Christians would not be primarily identified with what we disagree with, but rather seen by thoughtful dialogue and helpful propositions to our Prime Minister.
United Nations Resolution - Middle-East Peace Conference
A United Nations resolution (UN resolution) is a formal text adopted by a United Nations (UN) body. Although any UN body can issue resolutions, in practice, the Security Council or the General Assembly issues most resolutions.
The conference to be held in Paris on January 15this aimed at promoting the two-state solution as the goal to lasting peace.
Why are the nations so angry?
Why do they waste their time with futile plans?
Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Psalms 2:1, 10-11Pray that Canada would still be known as a true "Friend of Israel", as our former Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, stood with Israel as the only democratic society in the Middle East. Pray that as these 70 nations meet, there would be caution, restraint, and every consideration as to what the outcome could mean to the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. Pray that the reaction to any resolution will not result in an escalation of violence.