October Prayer Targets

21 January 2019

by National House of Prayer

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The land you have given me is a pleasant land.

What a wonderful inheritance! Psalm 16:6

October Prayer Focus

Overall, feedback we have received is that many Canadians remain uninformed, or may lack clarity regarding what will happen now that recreational cannabis is legalized.

What are, or will be, bylaws and regulations in our own cities, towns and neighbourhoods?

Policing and the protection of our children; as well as keeping our roads and communities safe, remain our top priority.

I (Fran) attended an all candidates forum for the city council of Vernon BC. The number one question asked to those who are seeking to serve on the city council:

“What would you do to protect our children, are there laws/bylaws to

enforce or that could be made that will address this new reality?”

Assurance that our cities are well prepared is uppermost on the minds of Canadian citizens.

Two articles related to these concerns are posted at www.nhop.ca

We encourage you to also take the time to read these articles written by respected leader and author, Don Hutchinson, about the cannabis law in Canada.

We recommend his book Under Siege that is available on his website.

 Facts about cannabis legislation

Gleanings from the mind of a Christian Leader & Lawyer Don Hutchinson

Prayer Focus

  1. As Canada adjusts to the many changes to our society because of this new legalization, let’s pray for our mayors and city councils, to have wisdom to create enforceable bylaws and any necessary responses to legalized marijuana.
  2. Pray for parents to come with a unified/concerned voice for the welfare of their children regarding any city policy around legalized marijuana.
  3. In light of the findings of the American National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Pray that families would prioritize family dinners as essential to their daily routine. (see nhop.ca: Legalized Marijuana and Our Kids).

Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

Please read the article from the Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital below to better understand where Canada’s ‘assisted dying’ laws are leading.

NP article:Toronto sick children’s hospital preparing euthanasia policy

Do Not Grow Tired in Well-Doing We can continue supporting organizations that are working diligently to present a voice in the public square that says each human life is valuable is a practical way anyone can participate.

To mention a few:

canadianphysiciansforlife; weneedalaw.ca; EuthanasiaPreventionCoalition

Prayer Focus

Lets remember to be thankful for the many dedicated people who are on the front lines, taking a stand with knowledge, conviction, and calling to present reasonable arguments regarding issues around the end of life to those in both the government and to the medical profession.

Pray that God will strengthen the conviction and voice of Christians to remain firm in their stand on the truth of Gods word. We must hold firm to a position of no compromise, trusting in the truth, unwavering in love to those who need God and an eternal perspective.

Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. Romans 12:21

Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that’s what God wants,than to suffer for doing wrong! 1Peter 3:17

Military Christian Fellowship in Canada

The Military Fellowship of Canada (MCF) invites churches and individuals to the National House of Prayer on the Remembrance Day weekend, November 9-11. This will be a time of equipping for, and to become engaged in what God is doing in the military community.

Train to intercede specifically for the military families, get deployed into times of meaningful intercession for the one million people in Canada who are part of this community.

Visit the MCF’s Spiritual retreat Facebook event page for more details.

REGISTER BY EMAIL with Nicole: mcoffice@themcf.ca

We would like to express our gratitude for the generous financial support Nhop received for the projects mentioned in our previous e-mail. In total,$12,000 was donated thus far, and this provision has made possible an upgrade in the internet and to hire an expert mason to begin much needed work on the outside of this beautiful heritage building.

Upgrading our internet was more difficult than we had anticipated as our building is entirely made of concrete.The technician worked hard to give us the best service possible. As a result the expenses are higher than first expected. Our 14 year old well worn out washer and dryer still needs replacing.

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