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Prayer Points - July 2016

Do Not Be Ashamed - Religious Freedom in the Crosshairs

So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner.

Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God ~ 2 Timothy 1:8 Religious Freedom is in the crosshairs from special interest groups and governments. One legal challenge won emboldens others to pressure for recognition/freedom/rights, while others get trampled on. Propose, Permit, Promote Many Canadians are bewildered at the ever increasing pace of our changing cultural values. This didn't happen overnight, or did it?  While we were sleeping, new concepts were first proposed (in society accepted, then in government) then permitted (redefined or new laws are passed) then promoted (laws taught in our educational system and enforced). We are called to uphold and maintain a biblical perspective as we navigate through our rapidly changing society.

The Church - Radical Love, Service & EvangelismPray for Canadian denominational leaders and other influential teachers of the Word of God to be given insight in how the changing laws today will affect us all in the long term. Pray & Petition God on their behalf: for leaders to be given courage and boldness to stay the course and unashamedly proclaim the powerful message of the gospel of salvation that has not lost its relevancy and influence to transform society. Pray for believers to practice radical love, service and evangelism as was first demonstrated by the Christians in the book of Acts, especially as people are increasingly indifferent and even hostile to Christianity;  For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Romans 1:16

Electoral Reform - What can we do?Pray for the members of the electoral reform committee to thoroughly study possible alternatives to the current first-past-the-post system. The recent election in Australia provides an excellent example for the committee to examine as our government has committed to modernize our electoral system, Pray for the MP's who will be hosting electoral reform town halls over the summer to consult with their constituents. Pray that Canadians will be proactive in providing feedback that will influence the committee. Find out if there will be a meeting in your region and consider attending. It is in our interest to participate in this important discussion on how we will vote.

Palliative Care Bill C-277 - Marilyn Gladu, MP for Sarnia-LambtonPray for a keen sensitivity to the "God given conscience" for all governmental leaders. "A state that can pave over the conscience, anyone's conscience, without a compelling interest in doing so, is a state that is unfettered to do virtually anything."  ~Russell Moore Pray for continued opportunities for the church to be pro-active in support of life in Canada. Pray for organizations like ARPA (and many others) who are on the front lines of the battle for life in Canada. ARPA NEWS ON B-277 Pray for the church to grasp the importance of "stepping up to the plate" on this issue. We are called to carry one-another's burdens which historically has proven to be a God sanctioned action resulting in a great harvest of souls coming into the kingdom. Pray that our light will shine before others, so that they may see our good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven" Matt 5:16 Pray that the work assigned to the Church and private charities will continue to set the standard for end of life care. This will demonstrate that it isn't necessary to expect the taxpayers and our government to bear the spiritual and entire financial burden of this battle.

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