Do Not Be Ashamed - Religious Freedom in the Crosshairs
So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner.
Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God ~ 2 Timothy 1:8 Religious Freedom is in the crosshairs from special interest groups and governments. One legal challenge won emboldens others to pressure for recognition/freedom/rights, while others get trampled on. Propose, Permit, Promote Many Canadians are bewildered at the ever increasing pace of our changing cultural values. This didn't happen overnight, or did it? While we were sleeping, new concepts were first proposed (in society accepted, then in government) then permitted (redefined or new laws are passed) then promoted (laws taught in our educational system and enforced). We are called to uphold and maintain a biblical perspective as we navigate through our rapidly changing society.