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Freedom Convoy 2022 to Ottawa

March 8, 2022

Now that the trucks are gone!

A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks. We went from the Freedom Convoy here on Wellington street in Ottawa to a full out invasion of the Ukraine by Russia.

Be encouraged to stay on the prayer assignments that God has given to you. A lot of amazing things happened in the Spirit with Freedom Convoy. But now the media has turned the page focusing on a new major crisis in the Ukraine. We are not saying this is not important. We are now also praying for the Ukraine and for Russia. But we cannot leave behind the prayers He initiated regarding the Freedom Convoy.

God is not finished with what He started regarding liberty in Canada. We need to stay with our prayer mission until it comes to completion. Our job is to pray until our tasks are finished.

During the Freedom Convoy, we spent many days prayer walking on Wellington St and surrounding areas. We got a sense of peace and joyous community among the Convoy. There was a softness in hearts to talk about God and to receive prayer. There were many testimonies of salvation and healing. Our prayer is that this continued softness towards the gospel spreads throughout our nation. We pray for Salvation to continue to break out right across Canada.

We must also continue to pray regarding our freedoms as Canadians laid out in the Charter of Rights.

  1. Pray for Emergency Act Committee that they would be non-partisan in their findings. If there was overreach by the government and the police, this committee would allow these actions to come into the light.

  2. Pray for hearts of Canadians to be softened to one another as there is such polarization regarding mandates and protests.

  3. Pray for the church in Canada that they would lead the charge in loving one another in spite of differing opinions.

  4. Canadians continue to feel the effects of Covid - whether physical, emotional or financial.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

John 10:10.


February 25, 2022

Prayer Coverage for Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy

THANK YOU SO MUCH for participating in the prayer coverage for Ottawa around the clock during the Freedom Convoy. As you know, the relative peace over the city, considering the high emotions, deep passions, and thousands of people converging, could only be attributed to the mercy of God. In case you missed it, Kelly Egan of the Ottawa Citizen wrote an article about some potential disasters that didn’t happen. 

The coordinated, 24/7 prayer ended yesterday. If you are reading this, you are one of over 550 people who signed up over the 28 days. Wow God! Many let us know that they were encouraged to be part of a community of people praying. 

3 Ways to Stay Connected:

If you want to cover the Ottawa region: Pray Ottawa helps to saturate our city in prayer all year long. One of the ways we do this is through a weekly “Prayer Point”. Hundreds of local churches and individuals receive it, so it synchronizes our prayers each week for a specific local focus. To stay connected, I have added you to the “Prayer Point” distribution list – please let me know (or unsubscribe) if you prefer not to receive it. 

If you are on Facebook, you might be interested to join the City on our Knees Ottawaprivate FB group. This group prays for Ottawa, its residents and needs. 

If you want to pray into national issues: We were very happy to be partnering on this initiative with Chris and Marilyn Byberg at National House of Prayer. If you are not already familiar with NHOP’s excellent leadership in prayer for government, consider signing up for their newsletters here.

With gratitude, I pray this blessing over you as you continue to pray in the days ahead:

“Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it.” 

Psalm 37:3-5 NASB

Grace and peace,

Sarah Jackson

Pray Ottawa Lead


February 18, 2022

What about Justin?

"The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray."

1 Peter 4:7NIV

Let it be known that the Church can bring a prophetic message from the Kingdom of Heaven that can have a bearing and effect on Canada at a desperate time when the nation needs a word from God.

Let it be known that we are praying for our Prime Minister as we are told to do in the Scriptures.

We want to be identified as those people who bring Heaven's perspective.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."

James 3:17NIV

  1. Pray that the Church can bring a prophetic message from the Kingdom of Heaven that can have a bearing and effect on Canada at a desperate time when the nation needs a word from God.

  2. Pray that God would be magnified in Canada. Pray that Canadians would know that He is the one true God.

  3. Pray that the church would be about the Kingdom, about Jesus and centred on the Word of God - not opinion, offences or things that divide us.

  4. Pray that the Church would engage from a posture of being seated with Christ in Heavenly places and are able to see from a third heaven perspective, giving the ability to pray the heart of the Father for our leaders and our nation in this situation.

  5. Pray that God would be magnified(made bigger) in Justin Trudeau's life. May he come to a saving faith in Jesus. Pray for the fear of the Lord to rule in his life because it is the beginning of wisdom.

  6. Pray that the PM would be surrounded by sound, wise counsel to direct him as he leads our nation.

  7. Pray for his children that they would be shielded from the hate directed at their father. Pray for Sophie that their marriage would persevere in hope, love and loyalty.

Pray for the situation in Ottawa

The police have been arresting protesters all day and they say they will continue to do so round the clock until all protesters are gone.

  1. Pray that cool heads will prevail on both sides of the altercations so that no one gets hurt or injured.

  2. Pray that the message of hope and freedom would continue to resound throughout the nation and nations.

  3. Pray for the hearts of all Canadians to soften towards one another so we can hear each other and resolve our conflicts peacefully and quickly.

  4. No matter how we feel about this Freedom Convoy, we want to pray for those that have been arrested. Pray that they will experience compassion, fairness and true justice.

Debate in the House of Commons regarding the PM's Emergency Act motion was suspended today(Friday 18th) but will resume tomorrow(Saturday 19th) and they expect to vote early next week.

  1. Pray that the voice of freedom would be heard amongst the Members of Parliament and acted upon.

  2. Pray that what is the very best for our nation comes forward in the House of Commons, rather than partisan politics.


February 15, 2022

Prime Minister Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he's invoking the Emergencies Act to give temporary power to the federal government regarding the Freedom Convoy Protestors. There is a vote scheduled for this coming Friday in the House of Commons on this motion. Timing of this vote does not give any opportunity to hold the government accountable as the following week is a constituency week which means there will be no question period. The NDP have said that they will vote with the government so this motion will likely pass.

Prayer Strategy for Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

The OPP and the RCMP have taken the reins in Ottawa from the Ottawa Police Services. Chief Sloly of the Ottawa Police resigned today.

  1. Pray that the police will continue with a peaceful posture. Pray that the new authority will not be heavy handed.

  2. Pray that the protesters will not be baited into violence due to frustrations or increased threats.

  3. Pray for local residents that they would experience peace that passes understanding.

  4. Pray that the enemy's plans to divide, steal and destroy would be thwarted.

  5. Pray for salvation and deliverance over our nation that we would have harmony, graciousness, honour and good will towards one another.

  6. Pray that the Church would engage from a posture of being seated with Christ in Heavenly places and are able to see from a third heaven perspective, giving the ability to pray the heart of the Father for our leaders and our nation in this situation.

"After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”

Revelation 4:1


February 12, 2022

Ontario declares state of emergency in response to convoy protests

Premier Doug Ford signed the order late yesterday.

"This will include protecting international border crossings, 400-series highways, airports, ports, bridges and railways. It will also include protecting the safe and essential movement of ambulatory and medical services, public transit, municipal and provincial roadways, as well as pedestrian walkways," Ford said. 

"Fines for non-compliance will be severe, with a maximum penalty of $100,000 and up to a year imprisonment. We will also provide additional authority to consider taking away the personal and commercial licences of anyone who doesn't comply with these orders."

Ford also said that these new measures will not interfere with anyone's privilege to protest but that these demonstrations have gone on too long and are now affecting the economy in the province.

While these orders are temporary, Ford said that they plan to put forward new regulations that will make these acts permanent in law.

His message to the protestors in Ottawa and at border crossings is to please go home.

Prayer Strategy for Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

Whether we agree with the government or the protestors or have no opinion at all, our mandate is clear. We must stay vigilant in prayer.

As we have spent many days prayer walking on Wellington St and surrounding areas, we get a sense of peace and joyous community among the Convoy. There certainly is a softness in hearts to talk about God and to receive prayer. There have been testimonies of salvation and healing. We have observed first hand cooperation between demonstrators, the police and residents.

Have there been negative altercations? The large numbers of protestors alone would indicate potential for blowups. It would be very difficult to control this many people on both sides of the argument to not react when provoked. This is why we and many other ministries in the city continue to go down to pray. We are thankful to God there has been no escalation of violence.

Our downtown Ottawa hotels are booked solid again this weekend. Many are coming to support the protest. We know of many who are coming to pray.

  1. Pray that we will continue to see no escalation of violence.

  2. Continue to pray for the Mayor and police in Ottawa that they would have wisdom in working to keep order and peace in the city.

  3. Continue to pray for our Prime Minister that his heart would be softened. Pray that he would be surrounded by men and women who can offer him righteous wisdom.

  4. Pray for local residents that they would experience peace that passes understanding.

  5. Pray that the enemy's plans to divide, steal and destroy would be thwarted.

  6. Pray for salvation and deliverance over our nation that we would have harmony, graciousness, honour and good will towards one another.

  7. Pray that the church would choose to truly love even those we disagree with so we can with humility pray the heart of the Father.

"Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:37


February 8, 2022

Organized by Pray Ottawa

Prayer Strategy for Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

The local Body of Christ creating a 24/7 prayer coverage during the “Freedom convoy 2022” over Ottawa.

  1. Be in Thanksgiving that this protest has not escalated to violence.

  2. Pray that the Mayor, Police and City officials would agree to come to the table for a dialogue that would be the beginning of talks leading to a solution.

  3. Pray for the Prime Minister that his heart would be softened and that he would see the importance of dialogue with the organizers of the Convoy.

  4. Pray for continued peace and safety over local residents, protesters, and police.

  5. Pray that fear would not be used as a weapon to manipulate truckers, local residents and businesses.

  6. Pray for the thwarting of any malicious plans by anyone who joined the demonstration with ulterior motives.

  7. Pray for the hearts of all Canadians to soften towards one another so we can hear each other and resolve our conflicts peacefully.

  8. Pray that government leaders will not be able to politicize this event as it effects all political stripes and socio-economic people.

"And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts. It is pleasing to our Saviour-God to pray for them. He longs for everyone to embrace his life and return to the full knowledge of the truth."

1 Timothy 2:2-4 TPT


February 4, 2022

On Monday January 31st, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said,

“There have been an incredible group of individuals who kept this city safe during a situation that could have become riotous - that could have led to significant and severe injuries - that could have led to loss of life. None of that has occurred over the last 4 days. Let me repeat - no injuries, no deaths, no violence over the last 4 days in the nation’s capital. Despite the fact that we have a global cause, national protest - 10’s of thousands of individuals from a wide variety of causes who have gathered to actively demonstrate 24 hours a day for the last 4 days. All of that coupled with heavy trucks, suv’s and cars driving into the city and congregating in the core of this city 24 hours a day for 4 days.”

While this speaks of the great work that the police have been doing in our city to keep everyone safe, it also speaks of the demonstrators that they are not here to perpetuate violence. When walking around the Parliament Hill area and speaking to truckers, this is certainly the sense we get. At no point, did we ever feel afraid that there would be any sudden volatility that would result in riotous acts. The people we met have been peaceful, ordinary Canadians. 

However, there is supposed to be a much larger contingency coming this weekend. We need to continue to pray for peace. When we are dealing with this many people coming from many different places and with different point of views, there may be some bad actors. There has been chatter of counter groups planning on coming to have their voices heard. Please pray that cool heads will prevail.

Please pray that the anti-mandate message of the Freedom Convoy will not be overshadowed by violence.

We should also be praying for residents of the area where this protest is happening. The noise and commotion happening 24/7 has to be stressful. Pray that thoughts of truth and peace from Holy Spirit will kindle in the hearts of both residents and truckers. May they metaphorically beat their swords into plowshares. May they be delivered from hate, hostility and find peace. Pray that the church would be instruments of peace in the streets of Ottawa. By the way, if you haven't watched the above video, Chris has a couple of great testimonies of Holy Spirit bringing peace and joy.

Prayer Strategy for Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

The local Body of Christ creating a 24/7 prayer coverage during the “Freedom convoy 2022” over Ottawa.

Pray for:

  1. Safety over protesters and local residents.

  2. That the truth comes to light.

  3. That all people would act according to what is right in God’s sight.

  4. Thwarting of any malicious plans by anyone who joined the demonstration with ulterior motives.

  5. For an ongoing peace and resilient communication process within the different groups involved.

  6. For wisdom and insight within all groups involved.

  7. For the hearts of all Canadians to soften towards one another so we can hear each other and resolve our conflicts peacefully.

  8. Pray for residents of the downtown core who are directly affected by the noise and all the commotion in the area.


January 31, 2022

We went to Parliament Hill on Saturday. Packed is an understatement. There was a very  peaceful and joyous atmosphere with lots of young people. We couldn’t even get onto Parliament Hill itself or hear the platform speakers. The trucks drowned out everything.  We stayed with the throng on Wellington St.

There was a huge Quebec contingent. We spent a lot of time praying into Freedom in QC. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberte!

This was not a “Christian “ event at all. My observation was the demographic was anything but Conservative or Christian. However, there is a hunger for freedom in our land. Our prayer is that hunger would be met by the Spirit of the Lord.

Let's continue to hold this event up to the Lord so that it would stay on a peaceful course.

There have been some unfortunate incidents that have detracted from the message. Pray that the truckers would get an audience with the PM.

Prayer Strategy for Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

The Truckers are now going into day 4 of this Freedom Protest. The intention is to stay until they get an audience with the Prime Minister.

  1. Pray that they would get their meeting.

  2. Pray for this event to continue to be peaceful.

  3. Pray for safety for everyone that will attend.

  4. Pray that any schemes of the enemy would be met with roadblocks.

  5. Pray that people who may be planning on disrupting the peaceful nature of the protest would be exposed and their plans would be foiled.

  6. Pray for the police services in Ottawa that they would have wise strategy (For example, road closures that would ensure emergency vehicles have access to hospitals/health care facilities).

  7. Pray that cool heads will continue to prevail.


January 28, 2022

Prayer Strategy for Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

The Freedom Convoy is planning a peaceful protest on Saturday against vaccine mandates for truckers crossing the U.S. border, and other government policies implemented over the last 2 years.

  1. Pray for this event happening in Ottawa to be peaceful.

  2. Pray for safety for everyone that will attend.

  3. Pray that any schemes of the enemy would be met with roadblocks.

  4. Pray that people who may be planning on disrupting the peaceful nature of the protest would be exposed and their plans would be foiled.

  5. Pray for the police services in Ottawa that they would have wise strategy (For example, road closures that would ensure emergency vehicles have access to hospitals/health care facilities).

  6. Pray that cool heads will prevail.

  7. Pray that the message against vaccine mandates would not be lost to the anger and emotions fuelled by this event.

"And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts. It is pleasing to our Saviour-God to pray for them. He longs for everyone to embrace his life and return to the full knowledge of the truth."

1 Timothy 2:2-4 TPT

National House of Prayer is partnering with prayottawa to provide prayer coverage for this event in Ottawa on Saturday January 29th and Sunday January 30th.

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