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WE Have a Voice

Derek Sloan; Erin O'Toole; Peter MacKay; Leslyn Lewis A record 270,000 Canadians are eligible to decide the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. The mail-in ballots must be received by August 21st. I am delighted that so many people who have chosen to become engaged at the grassroots level by joining the Conservative Party. We are in challenging days to say the least. Foundational principles, such the Freedom of Religion and Conscience are being shunned and replaced with a sense of having to conform to the various agendas in society. We certainly need strong and righteous leaders today. When it comes to voting for the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, please allow me to share with you these four points:

  1. I)      Voting Is at the Very Foundation of a Country's Democracy Voting is at the very foundation of a country's democracy and, in fact, a democracy is threatened when its citizens do not vote. Voting is one example of our freedom to choose in this nation for which thousands have given their lives so that we can continue to live in peace. It is especially important for Christians to understand that a responsible citizen should do their own research in finding out what a particular political party stands for. As well, we need to be very clear about the views and qualifications of the individual candidates that are running in our region. The bottom line is that we need to be informed.

  2. II)      Educating Ourselves / Feeding Our Prayers In my book, WE HAVE A VOICE, I emphasize that God expects active participation of his people in choosing who would govern them, (see Deuteronomy 1:13ff). Another expectation that God has of us is that we would pray for those in authority, 1Timothy 2:1-3. He doesn't ask us to enter into this prayer glibly praying only that God would bless the government when we have no knowledge of what the government is facing. We are meant to become informed and bring that knowledge to affect our prayers. This is the way to powerful intercession and God is so pleased with this partnership that we can ask for more wisdom and revelation so that our prayers become even more effective. "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; Wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." Daniel 2:20,21

  3. Allow the knowledge you have gained of an individual candidate become the fodder of your prayers. 

  4. Our prayers become much more targeted and effective when we are well informed.  A friend and former M.P. spoke to me the other day regarding a statement made by Preston Manning as he ran for the leadership of the Reform Party of Canada. He said, "I always encourage people not to vote for me because I'm a Christian, but rather, because of the principles and policies I represent."  III)    Make Up Your Own Mind Without Coercion In your own research investigate the position of the candidates regarding the issues that are important to you. There are many voices out there who may want you to vote for their favoured candidate, but do your best to vote according to your own convictions. There is nothing wrong in becoming informed by someone else or another ministry as this can prove to be quite helpful. Consider the information, then make up your own mind. This is how democracy works; not by being pressured by anyone, including the not always so subtle pressure of media. Remember that David's father Jesse, nor his brothers, not even Samuel, would have guessed that David would be selected to become king. Leave room for God's surprises and His direction. But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1Samuel 16:7 Sample questions: o  Would they take a stand against any threats to our Constitutional freedoms in Canada o  What is their financial recovery plan in lieu of the Covid-19 pandemic? o  Would they oppose any other MPs pro-life stand? o  Would they actively promote the development of our natural resources.

  5. IV)      First Change Society; Then Change Government This is simply a word to all of us that we have a great calling to influence our society with the kingdom of God. Government can or may not play a part in the church's God-given role to influence and transform a nation. Of course we celebrate when a righteous individual is elected into office our nation. But, we do not idolize this person by placing all our hope and trust in them. No, our focus is heavenward. We realize that having a high view of government can cause us to have a diminished view of God. A conviction that believes that all problems are political and, therefore, all solutions are political, is simply not correct. Social change happens as a result of shifted values within the culture or belief systems of that society. For example, if our values in society regarding abortion change, then our government's current policy of having no law concerning abortion would need to follow suit in due time. Church Influences Society; Society Influences Government The late Charles Colson puts it this way: While human politics is based on the premise that society must be changed in order to change people, in the politics of the kingdom it is people who must be changed in order to change society.  Father, we pray for the leadership race of the Conservative Party of Canada and we ask for the right leader to come forth at this time to produce a strong official opposition party rightly hold our government accountable for their decisions. May this leader bring a unity to the Conservatives and may this leader be a strong leader of good values and character. We also ask that this leader will walk in a grace of humility knowing that they answer ultimately to You.  Whoever this leader may be, we ask that they will be kept from the lure of power and from the many traps of the enemy. We pray that they will allow for the freedom of conscience within their own party and walk in a posture valuing the various giftings and experience of all Members of Parliament.  Amen July Prayer Points:

  6. Pray for truth and full disclosure to surface regarding our government's leaders involvement with the WE charity. Pray that any correction to these individuals, including our Prime Minister, will be done in a righteous and thorough manner.

  7. We are thankful for the answers to prayer regarding the Alberta provincial Bill 8, The Education Amendment Act. Parents are to have the primary authority to choose the education for their child. To read more on this, please click the link:  Protecting Choice in Education

  8. Regarding the Covid-19 - Pray that our provincial health ministers would function in a wise and helpful manner. We pray that they will have the up-to-date information to protect Canadians and help to dispel fear and confusion.

  9. Thank-you God that we can enter into your presence and stand boldly before the throne of grace. We place the healing of our nation in your hand. The enemy's plan is to kill, steal, and destroy but you have sent your son to give us abundant life. We put our fears, worries, and anxieties in your hand. We pray for those who are sick. Please give our leaders wisdom to make decisions for the greater good of the people. We thank you for the provision you have already made and for all the things you will make available to us. Thank you for supplying our needs according to your riches in glory.

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