This morning our Nazarites spent some special time praying about the upcoming 40th Parliament and specifically about the Speaker's role. At 1:00 P.M. we learned that another member of Parliament has let it be known that he will be running against Mr. Milliken. We expect there may be other candidates. With the current low level of respect and decorum in the House we believe that it is critical that the next Speaker use his or her authority to bring things to a higher level. Apparently every other Canadian feels the same way. But this needs prayer!
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Knowing what the Word says about God's Will for us individually and corporately is an important tool that Holy Spirit can use to bring us to an understanding of how we can apply this tool to our lives. It gives us vision and order. Our priorities become His priorities and we are then able to sustain a life of prayer for our communities as He gives us endurance and patience with joy.
P.O. Box 34012, Strandherd Road
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K2J 4B0
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