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Prayer Transformation - Week Four

Look how far you have fallen from your first love! Turn back to me again and work as you did at first… Anyone who is willing to hear should listen to the Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the  churches… (Rev. 2:5,7 - NLT) Prayer Focus: As the Lord Jesus addressed the churches in the first century, so He speaks to us today. The church at Ephesus was not unlike many contemporary church situations. They were doctrinally sound and very active in ministry. They were even discerning about evil. But they had been seduced by the culture and drawn away from pure love and devotion to Jesus as their first love. So despite all their good intentions, they were warned to turn back to the Lord. If we are willing to listen, the Spirit is saying the same thing to the Church today. The pure love for the Lord Jesus Christ has been replaced by activity, busyness, and the managing of the “machinery” of ministry. What is the Spirit saying it will take for the revival of the Church today? We must acknowledge our fallen condition, earnestly repent, and turn back to a pure and focused love for Jesus. No amount of ministry effort can lead to revival. It is the turning of the heart back to Jesus in true repentance that brings the power of His presence in our midst. Day 1: Worship the Lord for His love for you and His Church. Day 2: Thank the Lord for His Spirit that speaks and convicts. Day 3: Ask the Lord to reveal if you have strayed from your first love for Jesus. Repent of losing your first love. Day 4: Invite Jesus to bring you back to pure devotion to Him. Day 5: Pray that your pastor and church leadership will recognize where they have been caught in managing the machinery of ministry instead of focusing on Jesus. Day 6: Pray that churches in your community will be transformed by a return to their first love for Jesus. Day 7: Pray that Christians will hunger for the pure presence of Jesus Christ to fill their churches and communities. *This has been printed without permission - copies may be obtained at the above-noted website.

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