Prayer Points – February 2018

08 February 2018

by National House of Prayer

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from the

National House of Prayer

“May the fear of the Lord be our standard,

the heart of God be our pursuit, and may we

seek Him with single-hearted devotion.”

– Pastor Bob Birch


Some people referred to 2017 as a year to forget. Discontentment with political leaders and questionable policies and decisions at all levels of government has left many people very discouraged and unsettled about our future, not to mention our personal, family or the professional challenges we may have faced. This led me to look at the lives and practices of those who have gone before, our forefathers, biblical and more recent God followers; how did they react, respond to circumstances in their lives and the changing culture they lived in? Which brought to my remembrance Pastor Bob Birch.

PASTOR BOB BIRCH December 30, 1907 – December 4, 2007

The late Pastor Bob Birch impacted Canada, and specifically the Greater Vancouver area.  He was known as a man who daily prayed from 2am until 6am.He prayer-walked much of greater Vancouver and upon his retirement at age 70, he was given a pair of walking boots! (He continued as a pastor at West Coast Christian Fellowship).


  1. PRAY that the fear of the Lord would be our standard.
  2. PRAY that the heart of God would be our pursuit.
  3. PRAY that we would seek him with single-hearted devotion.


The term youthquake came into use in the sixties to describe the impact that the younger generation was having in society. Not all of the influence was positive and today we are living with the consequences. There was another youth-quake during that period that resulted in the conversion of young people, many of whom are effective leaders today. Pastor Bob Birch’s church, St. Margaret’s Reformed Episcopal Church became a Canadian epicentre for two historic revival movements: The Charismatic Renewal and the Jesus Movement. It’s interesting that once again the term youth quake arose and was named by the Oxford dictionary as the word for 2017. It’s said that the impact that the millennial generation has will be as great as the era already mentioned.


  1. PRAY for another move of God amongst the youth of Canada.
  2. PRAY that a hunger for truth would begin to stir in their hearts.
  3. PRAY that God would raise up anointed young people to stand boldly in the public square.

UPDATE Summer Jobs Program

In January’s prayer points we asked you to pray into the situation with the Canada Summer Jobs Program. The government introduced a new requirement where those organizations applying for funding would need to sign an “attestation” endorsing values chosen by the federal government, including support for abortion.

We have seen a significant outcry from the media, from faith groups, and from MPs. Even a few members from the Liberal and NDP parties voiced their concern over the program. This led to the government issuing a “clarification” noting that the attestation does not apply to beliefs, but only actions. Unfortunately, this did little to clarify anything, as the wording of the attestation remained the same and the Prime Minister has not backed down yet.  All the confusion and outcry prompted the government to extend the deadline for the program by another week, as the pressure mounts to rescind it.

In the meantime, the requirement to attest to holding the government’s values is being challenged in court by the Toronto Right to Life Association (TRTL). Their initial application for an emergency injunction (which would have suspended the attestation until their case could be heard) was denied. The Justice ruled that “Charter harm did not constitute irreparable harm on the test for the injunction”. However, this doesn’t mean it’s over, it just means that the attestation stays in force while the court case is being heard. The Minister agreed to work to set an expedited hearing, in order to get the court case underway as quickly as possible, so the parties are in process to set that date. Let’s continue to cover this situation in prayer.

UPDATE Conscience Rights for Doctors in Ontario

In our November prayer points, we asked you to pray about a court case in Ontario, where a coalition of doctors was challenging the decision by the College of Surgeons and Physicians to require all doctors to make an “effective referral” for medically assisted suicide.

The court ruled against the coalition of doctors, noting that requiring a doctor to refer for medically assisted suicide did breach their Charter rights, but that such a breach was warranted because the goal was to ensure access to health care services. Because of the significance of what is at stake, and because the Supreme Court explicitly stating that a person’s right to assisted suicide did not create a requirement for doctors to provide it, this case is likely to be appealed to the Supreme Court. This, however, is time consuming and costly and needs to be covered in prayer.

COMING SOON! Shift College School of Intercession

February 23-24, 2018 Calgary, Alberta


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